Monday, August 11, 2008

How to Attract a Capricorn Man

Only for girls that wanna hook up with a Carpicorn guy. I am Cappy, but unfortunately, I'm taken.. Hehe.. Here's some tips, but I'm sure it'll never work on me anymore, Dr Fadhilah Kamsah once had labeled that guys born in January as "loyal to everything".. Thats true for sure.. Haha.. So, here it is:

  1. Well, you just cried buckets today because it has been more than a month when you last heard your cappy's voice on the phone? Okay, you think he is waste of money and energy; you curse the day and all the people who forced you to meet him? The first step to hook a cappy is to believe in the old saying "patience is a virtue" so, relax!
  2. Now, keep in my mind to keep him interested in you make sure that you have almost earned a degree in make -up. Remember Cinderella at ball, she made the prince go crazy for her. You have to be like her or a modern day Cinderella! But I will give you a star if your cappy is already interested in you (he's your guy) then you are already a "modern day Cinderella" just the one who has lost the way.

    Display the delicacy and naivete of Cinderella every time you talk, walk, laugh , cry and you'll have your Capricorn prince blinded with honey sweet love for you.

    Talk and enquire about his family members, little nephews, show how close you have grown towards them. Respect his views and opinions whether you agree with them or not. Give him a lot of love both physical and emotional. Listen to him and never laugh at him in public or even in front of his friends and family. If you don't follow the rules you will see the devil who will horrify you and disappear with your night's sleep. The devil card represents Capricorn in the major arcana tarot spread. But if you follow the rules you might complain that I am writing all wrong things about a sweet, sensitive, emotional and caring boyfriend or husband. Anyways this was the middle part, the difficult step is which all scorpion girls face who are dating a cappy. Even some Pisceans face similar kind of problem. But I am giving this solution for every girl who loves a cappy.
  3. He does not reply your calls, all of sudden you receive his message, all of sudden he stops calling you, he disappears and talkes to you sometimes very casually. On other occasions he is honey sweet but the very next day he is indifferent. Oh! So frustrating? Isn't it? Indeed it is, but the reason is that your Capricorn is actually madly in love with you and he is hinting you to express your love for him freely.

    Capris are shy and introverted people they never express their feelings openly. They expect others to catch their tiniest hints and love them.

    So what do you do? persevere, call him at least once. If you are comfortable then at least send him messages regularly and in a month or so give him a call. Meet him or initiate the meetings.

    In a few days, he will show you his angelic side which is full of love and compassion.

Here are some Capricorn celebrities that you may know..

Saturday, August 9, 2008

How to love a girl

Something that might come handy for guys. Not suitable for bad guys. -Parental Advisory- :P

Love the girl in your heart, not in your
mind. If you base your relationship on feelings, it
will fail for there are ups & downs in feelings. Girls
are there to be loved, not toyed around.

Love her for who she is. Don't even think about
changing any bit about her. 6 billion people in this
world & 6 billion different personalities. She's
special & she will stay that way. You change any
part of her, you'll change her forever. Don't
substitute her for anyone else, they are just
unique in their own ways.

Love whole-heartedly. She sacrificed a lot for you
so you'd better really treassure her. She could
have just got up & date a so much more dashing
guy in town but she chose you instead all
because of love. So love her guys, not play with her.

Don't just get the girl to beg you to stay or
whatsoever. If you're with her, love her. Don't
cause a strain in the relationship, you'll end up
loving each other out of pity or charity, that's not
respecting love at all. Respect love the way it is &
everything will be the best it can be.

Don't expect perfection from her. She's the only
one in the world & she's done the best she could.

Like another girl while you're in a relationship?
Then I think it's time you remain single for a while.
Don't go around breaking girls' hearts, it's the most
tragic thing to do.

Tell the truth, never hide anything from her. If you
want her to tell you everything, do the same. Don't
go calling other girls "honey" or "darling", how
would it feel if your girl calls other guys the same
way? Be faithful, enough is enough.

Socialise only when you're single. You socialise &
flirt around is to get the girl of your dreams. Get it
over when she's already yours, don't ask for more.

It never kills to be romantic. Think, be flexible.
Getting that diamond ring isn't the only gift for her.
Be realistic, she's human & she lives life just like
you. Something sweet & simple always get the job
done. Money doesn't exist between couples, it's the love.

Never promise her that you'll love her forever
because your forever might end the next day.
Love her as if each day is the last.

Sweet talks only apply for singles, not for
attached guys. Do that & you'll really break your
girl's heart. Isn't good being too well-known too, it'll
give her a sense of insecurity. Remember, INSECURITY.

Promise her & make sure you never break it.
Swear to her & make sure you keep it. Pledge
your love to her & her alone.

Loving her is giving her your heart to break it but
trusting her not to. Instead, she'll cherish it &
protect it. That's love. Give her your heart, your life,your everything.

Lay down your life & prepare to die for her when
the need arises. But stay strong & live through
another day, she can never live without you.

Never, ever walk out of her life. She won't just cry
her heart out & carry on living as per normal, she'd
die. It her heart that you've broken, how would
you ever know how she feels?

Winning a girl's heart isn't the final victory. Don't
leave her once you've won her love. Love her all
the way till the end of time, love her till marriage,
love her till old age, love her till death. If you can
love her till the end of time, you've earned the
honor & respect for you've truly loved her.

She chose you because she believes that you can
fulfil your promise. Win her heart & love her over.
Remember, the girl isn't a trophy for display, she's
someone to love, not to show off to your "friends".
Stay humble yet proud that she's the one for you.
Respect her for the way she is, never despise her
& never mistreat her, never even think of toying with her..

Lacuna Coil-Heavens a Lie

Lacuna Coil rocks!! Enjoy..

Lacuna Coil-Heavens a Lie

Tip of Borneo

Anyone have ever been to Simpang Mengayau, Kudat a.k.a "The Tip of Borneo"? Please, Sabahans, no need to answer that question :P . I have been to Kudat 3 times, but still the excitement will never end. Its blue sea, the wind, and the panoramic view of the meeting point between two seas (Sulu Sea and South China Sea) will be one the most memorable scene in my life. I went to Simpang Mengayau on May with my 3 friends, crazy enough to plan a trip in a middle of finishing our final project. There's Zul, Poji, and the car owner, Romie (Romeo?? hehe..) Well, Tip of Borneo it is.. See the map! Discover the wonders of Sabah

Journey to Terengganu

Bulan lepas aku gi jalan-jalan kat negeri jiran aku, Terengganu. Banyak projek-projek yang kerajaan Terengganu ni buat. Bagus, memang bagus, but still there are sure dark stuffs right.. Whatever, I'm not thinking to write about politics here, but I'm definitely excited being there. Along with my friend, Nazri (driver, hehe..) and 2 new friends (forgot their names oledi :P) we sure have a great day.

Great! A new landmark for Terengganu. However I'm sad knowing that building masjids also had been brought as political issues. It's not how beautiful, how many or how big the masjid is, but it's about the jemaah. Still, I kinda love this building, just sad it is now being just a good landmark.

There's Nazri! A handsome and tough cyclist from Terengganu. During our last National Service, he got the highest score in blip test! That's awesome or what! Hoho..
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Friday, August 8, 2008


Dah lama dah aku nak luahkan benda ni.. selalu terjadi dalam masyarakat kita, terutama sekali masyarakat Melayu, budak-budak tegur orang tua dah jadi macam satu tabu dan lambang kurang ajar. Teguran budak-budak adalah satu teguran yang ikhlas, sesuai atau tidak sesuai itu bergantung kepada ajaran orang tua. Kalau dah orang tua pun takleh terima teguran, budak-budak, apatah lagi.. huk huk.. orang tua kencing berdiri, budak-budak kencing berlari.. Save children of the world..

Lazim orang tua, pantang anak menegur walaupun tahu mereka bersalah. Jangan rasa tercabar kerana pesan orang tua-tua, bisa ular takkan hilang walau menyusur akar. Sayyidina Umar pernah berkata, kanak-kanak tidak berdosa dan doa mereka mudah diterima. Begitu juga dengan Rasulullah, kalau terjumpa anak-anak kecil, baginda cukup hormat dan sayang sebab anak-anak tidak berdosa.

Lagipun kanak-kanak kalau menegur memang ikhlas dan jangan ambil endah tak endah. Perasaan anak juga mesti dihargai, sesetengah orang tua kurang bercakap dengan kanak-kanak. Kalau menegur pun dengan ekor mata dan herdikan. Si anak rasa tersisih dan tidak dihargai. Kepada kawan tempat mereka mengadu. Kalau kawan itu baik tidak mengapa, tetapi jika sebaliknya, pasti membawa padah.


29th of July, I've got a good news. Result for recent M-Test conducted for KPLI candidates had been uploaded, and guess what, "I got an interview". I am looking forward for this interview, and I'll make sure that this second interview in my life will be a success, after that miserable interview in UUM two years ago applying for abroad studies (JPA). However, I'm a bit nervous since my PR is a bit ...emm... sucks! Whatever the result will be, still, I'm excited. Even though I'm not so in to teaching, but KPLI sure can broaden my way to achieve my dreams.. InsyaAllah..


Disertasi tahun akhir pengajian aku di UMS mengajar aku banyak perkara, positive, even negative. I learned that life is not an easy journey. Dengan duitnya yang mengalir macam air, penat, sakit hati, birokrasi, at least I learned to be independant, how to communicate, and how to manipulate (hehe). Aku tak mahu usaha aku yang tak seberapa menghasilkan scientific dissertation tersia macam tu saja, walaupun keputusannya tak berapa memberansangkan, but I still have something to share. And I'm proud with what I've done.

Kajian ini dilakukan untuk melihat kesan fermentasi atau inkubasi asid asetik berlainan kepekatan ke atas profil sebatian perisa dengan menggunakan Kromatografi Gas dengan Pengesan Nyalaan Ion (GC-FID). Biji koko yang diperolehi dari Kg. Baru Jumpa, Tenom diinkubasikan di dalam makmal didalam 3 kepekatan asid yang berlainan pada 3 tempoh fermentasi yang berlainan. Indeks fermentasi serta pH biji koko diambil bagi menentukan biji koko tersebut melalui proses fermentasi dan penyerapan asid asetik baik. Biji koko yang telah melalui pemprosesan primer serta sekunder diekstrak sebatian meruapnya dengan menggunakan alat radas Pengekstrakan Bendalir Superkritikal (Supercritical Fluid Extraction) atau SFE. GC-FID digunakan untuk menentukan kehadiran sebatian perisa. Sebatian perisa piawai yang digunakan sebagai petunjuk ialah 2,5-dimetilpirazina, 2,3-dimetilpirazina serta 2,6-dimetilpirazina. Semua sampel biji koko yang diinkubasikan gagal memberikan kromatogram puncak yang jelas. Isyarat gangguan yang terhasil dari sampel adalah lebih tinggi dari isyarat pengionan sebatian pirazina

Well, that's the abstract. Walaupun gagal, aku yakin banyak perkara lagi yang boleh dibuat. Kajian mengenai koko memang luas. Tapi, penanaman koko memerlukan kapital yang sangat besar.. tak berani aku nak ceburkan diri. I'm trying to fill my blog with interesting thing though, Stay tuned.. hehe

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Nightwish-Planet Hell

Miss you Tarja..

Nubhan-Ada Untukmu

Adus laa... makin jiwang pulak rasanya aku ni.. walaupun aku bukanlah peminat nombor satu mahupun nombor berapa pun akademi fantasia, tapi suara mamat ni sorang memang lunak gile.. Lagu yang aku takut nak dengar.. Menuntun hati gak laa.. respek laa kat si empunya penulis lirik nih.. Selalu aku dengar kat Kengkawan jangan salah sangka, aku tak jiwang, tolong, aku tak jiwang!!! waaaa!!!

Di sana pungguk menanti
Mengharap bulan membalas rindu di hati
Di sini aku berdiri
Menunggu penuh dengan kesabaran

Tanpa manis madah
Janji yang puitis
Tuk persembahan
Hanya ketulusan
Sekeping hati suci

Berikan kasih
Kalau itu yang kau mahu dari ku
Berikan cinta
Untuk membahagiakan hari mu
Sayang dirimu (menyayangimu)
Biarpun nafas ku sampai terhenti

Akan ku kota janji kita
Mendirikan Taj Mahal cinta
Seteguh kasih
Shah Jehan kepada Mumtaznya

Terasa indah pabila berdua
Semakin tiba saat bahagia
Merai cinta kita

Evolution Theory??

Kebelakangan ini aku agak tertarik dengan suatu bentuk pemikiran yang telah agak lama menapak kat dalam kepala otak aku.. sebagai student pure science (walaupun tak berapa hebat), teori evolusi sering menghantui pemikiran. Dan kadangkala teori ini agak kuat apabila disokong oleh beberapa nama hebat dunia sains barat, yang malangnya, turut dijulang namanya oleh sistem pendidikan global..

Beberapa orang remaja Muslim seumur dengan aku pernah mendatangi aku dengan beberapa hujah, yang pada awalnya aku pandang sebagai penuh berilmu, hampir merosakkan iman dan aku pasti mampu membatalkan syahadah mereka yang termakan hasutan manusia durjana ni, lebih menyedihkan, teori yang dulunya hanya didewakan oleh golongan konservatif sains kini mula menular ke dalam sistem pemikiran masyarakat Malaysia, yang mana setahu aku sepatutnya dilindungi 6 rukun iman dalam diri bakal intelektual pewaris negara kita.

Aku pernah diperangi beberapa orang nasionalis setelah aku dengan terbuka mengatakan bahawa sistem pendidikan di Malaysia masih bersifat sekular, dan dengan kekurangan ilmu, aku terdiam. Namun, perkembangan teori evolusi yang bersifat materialisme di dalam pemikiran remaja di sekeliling aku (online, aku tak penah tengok pon dorang) agak membimbangkan. Aku terjumpa e-book nukilan Harun Yahya (pic. Adnan Oktar), mungkin tokoh terkenal dalam dunia Islam, namun, oleh sebab my own ignorance, aku pon tak kenal. Jarang nak membaca. But I'm sure this guy is a true warrior of Islam.

Sebenarnya tak mampu aku menghuraikan panjang2 hasil tulisan dia, tapi bagi la peluang sikit untuk aku luahkan, nevertheless, this is my own blog..haha..

Dalam mengusulkan asal sesuatu, kita ada dua pilihan utama, samada sesuatu itu diciptakan, atau ianya terbentuk secara kebetulan. Pendapat yang kedua adalah ciri utama pendokong teori evolusi.

Terdapat beberapa orang saintis Turki yang mendewakan akal menyokong teori ini membincangkan kebarangkalian berlakunya pembentukan Cytochrome-C sebagai suatu kebetulan. Cytochrome-C ialah enzim terpenting di dalam pembentukan suatu hidupan. Beliau menerangkan seperti berikut:

"Kebarangkalian pembentukan sebuah rangkaian Cytochrome-C adalah mustahil. Iaitu, sekiranya suatu hidupan berkehendak kepada suatu rangkaian yang tertentu, dapat dianggarkan ia mempunyai kemungkinan yang sukar untuk terungkai sekali ke seluruh cakerawala. Melainkan, suatu kuasa metafizik yang di luar definisi kita telah mengaktifkan formasinya. Untuk menerima kenyataan ini adalah tidak secocok dengan matlamat sains. Oleh itu, kita terpaksa melihat kembali kepada andaian yang pertama."

Saintis ini lebih yakin kepada hujah pembuktian yang mustahil daripada mengakui ianya adalah satu ciptaan. Ini dengan terang-terangan menunjukkan bahawa mereka bukanlah mempertahankan kebenaran sains, sebaliknya membenarkan kesamaran sains, mungkin lebih tepat sebagai kelemahan sains atas dogma falsafah yang mereka junjung.

Pandangan yang meterialistik inilah, yang memandang setiap benda pasti ada benda selainnya yang membawa kepada pembentukannya dan berlaku secara rawak, mendorong ramai saintis mula mendewakan akal mereka sendiri lantas memilih untuk menjadi athies. Sebesar mana pun bukti yang diberikan, setulen mana pun sumber saintifik yang dipersembahkan, sifat serta pemikiran mereka yang tidak beriman (mana-mana agama sekalipun) ini pasti takkan berubah kecuali dengan kehendakNya;

"Dan jika Kami turunkan malaikat pun kepada mereka, dan orang-orang yang mati (hidup semula lalu) berkata-kata dengan mereka, dan kami himpunkan pula tiap-tiap sesuatu di hadapan mereka (untuk menjadi saksi tentang kebenaran Nabi Muhammad), nescaya mereka tidak juga akan beriman, kecuali jika dikehendaki Allah; tetapi kebanyakan mereka tidak mengetahui (hakikat yang sebenar)". (Surah Al-An'aam:111)

Ayat di atas telah membuktikan dengan jelas bahawa pemikiran evolusionis ini bukan sebuah jalan pemikiran yang asal, walaupun ia pelik pada mereka. Kenyataannya, apa yang dipegang oleh para evolusionis ini bukan sebuah pemikiran sains moden tetapi hanyalah sebuah pengingkaran yang telah dianuti oleh komuniti-komuniti orang-orang pagan* yang tidak bertamadun.

Pemikiran yang sama telah diterangkan di dalam ayat lain di dalam al-Quran:

"Dan kalau Kami bukakan kepada mereka mana-mana pintu langit, kemudian mereka dapat naik melalui pintu itu (pada siang hari yang membolehkan mereka menyaksikan segala kenyataan yang ada).Tentulah mereka akan (mengingkari kenyataan yang benar itu dengan) berkata: "Hanya mata kami telah disilapkan penglihatannya bahkan kami adalah kaum yang telah disihirkan (oleh Muhammad)"." (Surah Al-Hijr:14-15)

Sains adalah satu bidang yang luas, satu pemikiran yang sangat mendalam, namun, semua itu hanya setitis dari selautan ilmu kepunyaanNya. Menolak kebenaranNya adalah contoh kepastian kedunguan seseorang. Dan teori evolusi pastinya satu teori yang dungu. Aku tak pandai laa nak main2 ayat kasi korang paham apa yang aku paham. Lagipun, aku belum baca habis pon lagi buku dia..hehe... aku juz terfikir.. adakah cuma aku yang dengan malang terjumpa manusia yang dungu percayakan teori ini, ataupun, memang teori semacam ini memang mendapat tempat di hati kebanyakan manusia? Nauzubillah..